Thursday, July 11, 2013

Women - Some Advice on Dating Friends

Women: Some Advice on Dating Friends

So you have a really close guy friend and he's giving indications he wants to be more. You think he'll ask you out on an actual date soon and you're worried. Should you date your friend? If things don't go well, will you still be able to be friends with him? These are all things that go through out minds when a good friend asks us out on a date. So here is some advice for any woman that might be in this situation themselves.


1. First and most importantly, can you see yourself being more than friends with this guy? Sometimes we have really good guy friends, and it never occurs to us that he might be interested on more than a friendship level. And if it never occurs to us, then we've probably never explored our feelings for him in this way.

Women - Some Advice on Dating Friends

Once you do explore the feelings from this perspective, you might find that you actually are attracted to him as more than a friend, and you like the idea of dating him. On the other hand, you could discover that there's nothing there but friendship and caring.

2. Date romantically or as friends? Depending on your feelings for each other, you could simply decide to date as friends. This is a fun way to go out and enjoy yourself while being comfortable with the company, yet feeling safe and unpressured. This is also a great way for both of you to deal with the occasional loneliness of being single.

If on the other hand, your friend wants to become more than friends, things could change quite drastically depending on your decision. If he wants to take your friendship to a new, romantic level, you need to decide if you want that as well. If you're not sure which kind of dating he wants though, ask him. If he's a great friend you should be more than comfortable asking this question, and answering it honestly.

3. How will your friendship be affected. This tends to be one of the biggest concerns about dating a friend. If he's a really great friend, you worry that trying to have a romance with him might destroy the friendship.

You wonder what will happen if things don't work out. Will he still be your friend if the romance fails? Or even if a simple date goes badly? This is where you have to ask yourself which is more important: Having a great friend for life or potentially finding that one true life partner?

It's not uncommon for friends to become the best romantic couple in the world. In fact, relationships which start out as friendships have a better chance of surviving romantically because you know each other already, you're comfortable around each other, and you obviously have things in common since you spend time together as friends already.

You also have to realize there are different levels of friends. If the guy is a casual friend then it might not be too big of a deal to date him. If however, he's more of a best friend, things could be a bit more complicated.

If the soul searching hasn't worked, try taking things slow. Go out with a group of friends - the interested guy included - and see how things go. Try sitting next to him at the movies and see how it feels. You may find there's just nothing there to build on romantically, or you may find there's a stirring you never expected.

Women - Some Advice on Dating Friends

Jack Strom has many years of dating and relationship building experience. He researches and endorses the best "how to" dating books available on the internet. To find more articles and information, see []

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